Welcome to HIGHFIELD
Access Information for Visitors with Disabilities
Historically access to HIGHFIELD has been a challenge, we are however continually working on improvements and developments to better provide access and facilities. As a listed property with grand stepped entrance and limited internal spaces, our solutions are in many ways limited, however HIGHFIELD welcomes all visitors with disabilities and our staff will do everything they can to ensure you enjoy your visit.
Arrival, Drop off & Car Parking
Arrival at HIGHFIELD is via the Drive Court main entrance. The Drive Court surrounds the main entrance and is a clear drop off point. Free parking is available to all HIGHFIELD visitors. Our Restaurant parking is in the woodland parking area, this is a approximately 100m to the Drive Court on some uneven parking surfaces and a tarmac road. Our overnight guests parking is along the Stable Road, this is 70m maximum from the Drive court along a tarmac road. The Drive court is a firm gravel driveway.
Should you require a parking space in the Drive Court, one of our four spaces can be reserved in advance of your visit by calling our front desk. Should you require our dedicated disabled parking bay this can specifically be reserved in advance of your visit by calling our Front desk : - 01377 256 231 .
Outside Surfaces
Entrance to the house is via a fine gravel path of 40m, suitable for wheelchair use, leads around the Upper Terrace to a ramped entrance which provides full access to the ground floor areas of HIGHFIELD. The ramp surface is honed stone and is maintained a slip free traction surface, the top of this ramp has a landing area for turning. The Garden Entrance effective door width is 800mm wide and opens out wards, this is suitable for medium to small wheel chairs. Plans for a wider more accessible entrance are being finalised. Assistance in accessing the ramp and using the door can be provided on request at our front desk.
Both the new ramp and new steps leading from the drawing room have handrails at both sides.
The House Lawns are predominantly fine cut grass and cut grass walk ways with sloped access suitable for wheelchairs during the dry summer months. In the wetter winter months these areas can become less accessible.
Our woodlands have wood chipped surfaces which in the most part are suitable for wheel chair access. We have a continued plan to upgrade these areas.
Inside the House
All rooms on the ground floor are step free, this includes our Reception Hall, DrawMe room Dining room, Think Pink Parlour Lounge, Library Bar and Powder Room WCs. All door ways to all areas are more than 900mm wide.
Table service is provided in all of our external terrace and ground floor areas.
We have two accessible WCs. These are suitable for small to medium wheel chairs. Plans for full DDA wash room facilities are due to be implemented in full by the end of 2023.
The First floor of HIGHFIELD is not accessible by wheel chair. Unfortunately due to he nature of the property Lift access has not been possible to plan or implement to date.
The Great Hall contains a closed circuit live video feed, activities within the Great hall can be viewed on a television in our Library Bar and on a projector screen in our Evening Parlour.
Changes to floor surfaces are clearly contrasted.
A variety of dining chairs and table positions are available on request, please ask a member of staff or call our Front desk prior to your visit.
Assistance Dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome in all public areas of HIGHFIELD.